SciPhy Example
This directory has all files that you need to run the example that we shown in the demonstration video. To run it, open a Docker container in this current folder. For this, run the following command:
docker run --cap-add mknod --cap-add sys_admin --device=/dev/fuse \
--privileged --rm -it -p 8000:8000 -p 9042:9042 \
-v "$PWD/repository:/SAMbAFiles/SAMbA/gitblit/data/git" \
-v "$PWD/database:/SAMbAFiles/apache-cassandra/data" \
-v "$PWD:/home/samba/workspace" thaylongs/samba
After the container boot, go to “Source Code” directory and run the following commands:
cd "Source Code"
If you want to change the inputs, you can change it in the
bash script adding the top of file command like:
echo "FILE_NAME;$WORKSPACE/inputs/FILE_NAME" >> inputList.txt
Where the FILE_NAME
is the file name of the file that you want to add. You can found all files in the inputs/
An session Recorded
The video below shows the sequence of commands that you needs to do to execute the example: